Nexus Letters
Evidence Is Key
Medical evidence is the key to finding success in a VA claim. Without competent medical evidence your claim will fail.
This is why many veterans flounder for years in the VA system with no relief or success. That is now different with Naretev.

Nexus Letters That Help You Win
Naretev provides comprehensive nexus letters based on a one on one evaluation with the veteran. Regardless of the issue, regardless of the amount of claims, the doctors of VDA are here to help you win your VA disability claim. We never charge differently for the number of disabilities. Unlike other services, Naretev will address as many, relevant medical conditions as necessary. Moreover, it is standard for Naretev to provide at least two doctors for each evaluation, with no extra cost to the veteran. Moreover, we never simply fill out a form (DBQ). We always provide a medical narrative to help you make the strongest case possible.